Thursday, September 25, 2014

Kids and dogs

When we think of kids and dogs, most of us think they go together like peas and carrots. It is important to keep in mind that both the children and pups need a bit of structure for this union to go smoothly. Here are a few thing to tell the kids in your life about dogs.

  • pet the dog's body
  • offer your dog toys and treats when your parents allow it
  • approach dogs from the side
  • let sleeping dogs lie
  • put the dogs food down at meal time
  • run around and play fetch
  • take your dog for a walk with an adult present
  • be gentle
  • use a normal, calm voice
  • brush your dog regularly
  • teach your dog to sit for petting and feeding
  • pet the head or feet
  • take stuff away from the dog or tease him with food or toys
  • put your face in the dog's face nor blow in their face
  • wake up a dog that is resting
  • bother or touch the dog while eating
  • force your dog to play if they don't want to
  • take the leash of a dog that might pull you down or drag you
  • hug, slap, pull, ride, poke or squash any dog
  • scream around any dog
  • give a haircut or style your dog
  • let your dog jump on you or your friends

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Thank you to all our friends for joining us at our anniversary party, it was a great success thanks to you!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Shih Tzu

Shih tzu means lion in Chinese, and refers to the dog’s manlike coat and aristocratic air. This breed originated in Tibet and is thought to be related to the Pekingese. Shih tzu are considered an “ancient” breed since DNA analysis and depictions of them are found as early as 800 BC. However since they were favorites of Chinese royals and were so prized, for years the Chinese refused to sell, trade or give away any of the dogs. So it wash’t until the 1930’s that they made their way to Europe and until the 1950’s to the USA. 
Shih Tzu are bred to be house dogs and companions. They are part of the toy breed group. They are lively, alert, friendly and trusting, which makes them great for homes with children and other pets. They only need a little exercise, a short walk daily or a few minutes of playtime are usually enough. 
Professional grooming is required for their long, silky, flowing double coat. Most pet owners keep the hair cut short to make care easier, but daily brushing is a must and should be considered before getting this pup. They need to be trained when young for manners and to allow proper grooming.
Shih Tzu come in a variety of colors but most of them have some white.They are a little longer than they are tall, they hold their head up high and their tails curl over their body. The face is wide and round with big round eyes. They should be about 8 to 11 inches tall and between 8 and 16 lbs.