Tuesday, April 12, 2016

10 Cat Myths

1. Cats have 9 lives. Sadly they only get one just like the rest of us, unless you believe in reincarnation, which is a whole different story.

2. Cats alway land on their feet. They actually don’t and can get hurt pretty badly from falls.

3. Cats hate water. While most of them don’t appreciate humans bathing them, many cats enjoy playing with water and in some cases even swimming. 

4. Black cats are bad luck. Well this one is just absurd, black cats are beautiful, loving felines like cats of any other color.

5. Cats will suffocate a newborn. Over 300 years ago someone claimed the cat had sucked the breath out of a baby and somehow this theory stuck. Though some cats can get very cuddly with newborns experts agree that it’s highly unlikely that a cat would suffocate a baby. Never mind intentionally. Many scientists have found that babies actually benefit greatly from having pets, making them less likely to develop allergies and more comfortable in social settings as they grow older. 

6. Whiskers maintain a cat’s sense of balance. Whiskers are feelers, but don’t help in maintaining balance. Cats who’s whiskers have been groomed don’t just topple over.

7. Cats should drink milk. Many adult cats are lactose intolerant so giving them milk is not a great idea.

8. Cats and dogs are archenemies. There are so many households that prove this one wrong too. Cats can cohabit with many different species as long as there is respect. They can cuddle and even enjoy play with dogs of many sizes, specially when introduced at an early age.

9. All calico cats are female. While it is a myth it is almost true, one in three thousand are male. So it’s still a myth.

10. One cat year is equal to seven in human years. Cats certainly age differently than humans. Within 6 months they are already sexually mature and within a year their bones stop growing. But this aging process slows down as they get older. Cats can live up to 18-20 years but there aren’t any humans living up to 140 years, as far as we know!

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