Saturday, April 30, 2016

Dexter and Thor

Dog’s birthday:
April 1st
April 15th

How did you obtain your dog?
Bedford Animal Shelter Pet Fair
Bedford Animal Shelter Pet Fair

How would you describe him/ her in 5 words?
Cuddly, playful, cute, smart, protector (he’s the one that barks at the doorbell or when pool people arrive).
Smart, playful, pest (he’s like the brother pestering his sibling in the back seat of the car… pushing Dexter aside when he walks by), strong, protector.

What’s your dog’s favorite food?
Apples, cheese, pumpkin and Whataburger hamburger shared with Thor.
Apples, dog cookies, pumpkin, Whataburger shared with Dexter.

What’s the cutest thing your dog does?
He bunny hops to his bowl when he knows it is feeding time. He really loves his dog food.
Loves to wake you up with a kiss on the face. He’s my alarm clock!

What’s the smartest thing your dog does?
When 2 people hug, he likes to stand up and put one front leg on each person and lean in to join the hug.
Opening a door with a handle and locking a deadbolt.

Anything else you’d like to share about your dog?
He likes to sace swimmers in the pool ( he wins each time on the lap), likes to jump in the air to catch water tossed from the pool. He loves morning cuddle time, playing with his stuffed toys and fetching.

He loves to jump over the fence and visit with the neighbors dogs and roll in their grass. Loves to watch squirrels, you can see him plotting how to get them. Loves to have his belly rubbed and kiss you all over.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Intro to dog sports: agility

Agility is one of the most popular dog sports out there. It is a sport where a handler must guide a dog through a set course of obstacles. In competitions dogs and handlers are judged for accuracy and speed. From beginners, where they must do mostly jumps to very advanced, where all obstacles are judged and timed.

A regular agility course usually includes the following obstacles to challenge a dog and his handler:
Jumps are 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 or 24 inches depending on the height of the dog and can be in the form of a tire, regular poles, or paddles. 

A tunnel to go through which can be short or long, in a straight line or even have bends in it. 

A chute which is a tunnel that has a long fabric train on it, making it look like the tunnel is closed on one end. 

A dog walk, which is a set of planks about a foot wide and several feet long that form a ramp going up, a plank several feet off the ground where they walk and another ramp going down. These vary by length and height depending on the level of competition. 
An A-frame is composed of two wide planks 3ft wide by 9ft attached to form an “A” , the dog runs up one side and down the other. 
A teeter or seesaw is about one foot wide by 12 feet long, and you guessed it, the pup must run up one side until their weight tips the plank and then run down the other side. 
The dog walk, “A” frame and teeter have contact zones to ensure accuracy of the obstacle and the dog’s safety. 
The table or pause box shows a lot of self control as the pup is asked to stay for a certain amount of time without moving. 

Weave poles, similar to a slalom are a set of 5 to 12 upright poles about 3 ft tall and spaced ever 24 inches. Weave poles are considered the hardest obstacle to master, the dogs must weave in and out through the spaces, always starting with the first weave pole on their left and without skipping any poles. 
Agility is not only a fun competition to watch but it is also super fun to take part in. It is also great as a way to bond with your dog or tire out an energetic dog. You can set up a few dog jumps, tunnels and contact obstacles in your back yard. Once your dog gets the hang of things, you can start to put things together into a short course. At first your dog should be rewarded for completing every obstacle, as he becomes more proficient he will begin to find each obstacle a rewarding experience in itself. And eventually at the end of each run he can get a fun game of tug or a food treat if he prefers that. Most dog and handler pairs in agility begin working closely together and as they master the obstacles they are able to work from farther away allowing them to gain speed. 
Due to the growing demand for agility, classes for beginners all the way through masters can be easily found. Even competitions start at a basic level that are easy to get into, so you can begin testing your dog quite early on in their agility careers.

This sport relies on a dog that can take directions well. Since the handler will be pointing out which obstacle is next, the dog must often look back at the handler for guidance. This dog sport also requires a handler that is quite fit as he or she will need to run around the ring with the dog to be able to point out the next obstacle. This is not to say that dogs that are a bit wild won’t be able to do it. It is a great way to direct a wild dog’s energy into something positive.
While any dog over 15 months can sign up for competitions, not every dog will enjoy all obstacles.  It is important that both you and your dog enjoy this activity. Even older dogs might like it, with lower jumps and slightly slower runs.

If you are interested in watching an agility trial, Dallas Dog Sports at Myers Park & Event Center (7117 CR 166,McKinney, TX) is hosting one May 28th, 29th and 30th.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

10 Cat Myths

1. Cats have 9 lives. Sadly they only get one just like the rest of us, unless you believe in reincarnation, which is a whole different story.

2. Cats alway land on their feet. They actually don’t and can get hurt pretty badly from falls.

3. Cats hate water. While most of them don’t appreciate humans bathing them, many cats enjoy playing with water and in some cases even swimming. 

4. Black cats are bad luck. Well this one is just absurd, black cats are beautiful, loving felines like cats of any other color.

5. Cats will suffocate a newborn. Over 300 years ago someone claimed the cat had sucked the breath out of a baby and somehow this theory stuck. Though some cats can get very cuddly with newborns experts agree that it’s highly unlikely that a cat would suffocate a baby. Never mind intentionally. Many scientists have found that babies actually benefit greatly from having pets, making them less likely to develop allergies and more comfortable in social settings as they grow older. 

6. Whiskers maintain a cat’s sense of balance. Whiskers are feelers, but don’t help in maintaining balance. Cats who’s whiskers have been groomed don’t just topple over.

7. Cats should drink milk. Many adult cats are lactose intolerant so giving them milk is not a great idea.

8. Cats and dogs are archenemies. There are so many households that prove this one wrong too. Cats can cohabit with many different species as long as there is respect. They can cuddle and even enjoy play with dogs of many sizes, specially when introduced at an early age.

9. All calico cats are female. While it is a myth it is almost true, one in three thousand are male. So it’s still a myth.

10. One cat year is equal to seven in human years. Cats certainly age differently than humans. Within 6 months they are already sexually mature and within a year their bones stop growing. But this aging process slows down as they get older. Cats can live up to 18-20 years but there aren’t any humans living up to 140 years, as far as we know!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Velcro and Vera

Dog’s birthday:
January 10th 2013 
March 9th 2014

How did you obtain your dog?
Creekside Kennel (Vizsla breeder)
Creekside kennel (Vizsla breeder)

How old was your dog when you got him/her?
8 weeks old
8 weeks old

How would you describe him/ her in 5 words?
Athletic, snuggly, smart, “velcro dog”, our best friend!
Crazy, silly, wiggly, loves her brother Velcro, our chunky girl!

What’s your dog’s favorite food?
cheese sticks

What’s the cutest thing your dog does?
Tosses his toys around like he’s thrashing in water.
Her lips get stuck in her teeth, we call it “sassmouf”.

What’s the smartest thing your dog does?
Always knows where his people are.
She can fetch for hours and catch things right out of the air.

Anything else you’d like to share about your dog?
He could swim/fetch for hours in water. He is a little neurotic but loves all people in his life, runs super fast and loves sleeping near his dad.
She loves food, napping in her cozycare bed and giving hugs.