RagaMuffin Cat
The RagaMuffin breed is know for their docile nature and even temper. They are calm, great with kids and love to be carried. They actually get part of their name from the fact that when you carry them they go limp in your arms, like a rag doll.

This cat is a big baby, it takes them a good four years to fully mature, so expect a playful cat that loves attention.
These kitties can easily be found walking the streets in a harness, playing house or being pushed around in a baby stroller. Though they are happy to sleep on your lap they are not a lazy cat, they love to play and many of them can be taught to fetch.
These kitties are quite large, their average weight is between 18 and 20 lbs for males, about 8 to 10 lbs heavier than the average cat. Females are considerably smaller, weighing between 10 and 13 lbs, still bigger than most cats. They have rabbit like, long silky fur that thankfully doesn’t mat so regular brushing, a nail trim and the occasional bath is all they really need in terms of grooming.
Many of these kittens are born white and then develop the color as they grow. They come in all coat colors and patterns. From solid colors, tabby and white, tortoiseshell to mink, all of these cats are pretty unique.

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