White Siberian Husky
Your dog’s birthday: Everyday
How did you obtain your dog?: We got Jack from Husky Rescue 5 years ago. He was extremely underweight (45 Pounds) and his coat was in terrible condition.
How old was your dog when you got him/her? Vet thinks Jack was 2- 3 years old when we rescued him
How would you best describe him/her in 5 words? Loving, Funny, Extremely Smart… Our Family is his pack
Your dog’s favorite food: Cheese, Bacon and Meat
Cutest thing your dog does: When he swims, he prefers to ride on one of us… Piggy Back Style… Back or Stomach
Smartest thing your dog does: He can open doors to get to treats or get on cabinets to reach something he wants.
Anything else you would like to share about your dog: He has to be in the room with my wife or I when we’re home. Just wants to be touching. As with most Huskies, he is also very vocal when he greets us or wants something.