Great Pyrenees
The Great Pyrenees has been a common dog in most of Europe for over 3 thousand years. This truly is an ancient breed. They get their name from the mountains they come from, between Spain and France. They are able to withstand severe snowy weather due to their thick, long coat. They are still used as sheep dogs in Europe though in the US they have become a popular household pet and companion dog.
Great Pyrenees are big boned and a little longer than high. They have a very thick double coat that is usually all white but can sometimes have a bit of gray or tan. They have a big v-shaped head with drop ears and almond shaped eyes. They usually have big and distinctive double dewclaws on their back legs. They have a long, hanging, thick tail.
Great Pyrenees are an intelligent, gentle and very loyal one family dog; they are great with even small children but can be wary of strangers. Early handling by many friendly strangers is a must, if not this dog can become quite shy and nervous around people.
Their beautiful white coat can be a lot of work, it requires daily brushing and combing specially during shedding season. They are happiest with a big back yard where they can get plenty of free, regular exercise that can be complemented by daily walks.
Great Pyrenees can weigh over 100lbs which should be considered into your pet budget. A dog this size tends to eat about 4 to 6 cups of food daily and the average bath price for their size is $70.
Litters are usually about 6 to 10 puppies and they take a few years to mature. This means they are a very big puppy for a long period of time, so early training is a must. These dogs were bred to think for themselves so expect a challenge with parts of the training process.